Thursday, October 27, 2005

Seperation of the Waters - Day Two

The “Second Day” was filled with trying to identify the growth in my brain and to gain control over my “spells.”

At first, all that the doctors could speculate was that I had a tumor or a cancer. The days that followed were filled with tests. My first MRI was quite an experience. I was told by friends who had MRI that what they did was just keep their eyes closed. That way they could pretend they were not in a shoulder-wide tube. I tried that technique, but it did not work. I felt as if I was in a tomb. I had to open my eyes. I was pleased to find that rather than a black tomb, I was in a heavenly white chamber. That helped. However, I still experienced some Closter phobia. The only thing that kept me in there was the knowledge that if I really wanted to, I could crawl out of there. For my 2nd MRI, I asked for some medication. My doctor gave me two pills to take. They helped a lot! For my 3rd MRI, I only took one of the pills. For my 4th and subsequent MRIs I have not taken anything.

The MRI result gave further assurance to the doctors that I had a cancer. Within a week, I had a biopsy with the result showing that I had an Astrocytoma Grade II. I had given the neurosurgeon authority to totally excise the tumor/cancer. However, when he actually saw the growth, he opted for only a biopsy. As he said to me later: “If I had removed enough margin to be sure I took out all of the cancer, you would not be able to speak and probably not be able to use your right arm.” He recommended chemotherapy with close MRI follow-up.

At the same time, my neurologist struggled to eliminate my “spells”. He never named what it was I was having. He did not call them seizures. But he medicated me as if they were seizures. I first started taking Dilantin. Even at the highest dosage recommended, Dilantin did not eliminate my “spells”. He finally added Phenobarbital and the combination of Dilantin and Phenobarbital worked. As long as I took my medication, I did not have any “spells”. However, when I did not take my medication, I would have a “spell” within 24 hours.

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