Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dream Trip

It is hard to describe today. I slept in so got off to a slow start to begin with. Then I wasted about 4 hours on Google Map’s “My Map” feature that lets people map out their one trips. I tried mapping out my “dream trip” but had a lot of difficulty with the program. My dream trip is not a short on; not a simple going from point A to point B. It is a trip that could take a good part of a whole summer and would require someone to go with me to do most of the driving. I cannot think of anyone who can do that. The trip would take me though much of the Northeastern and Midwestern USA. It would go through places where I have lived, places I would love to visit, and places that hold fond memories for me.

I have told many people dealing with cancer that I like to know my prognosis in order to establish some realistic goals for what I want to do with whatever time I have left. This trip is in my list. It might not be too realistic given my financial situation and need for a travel companion. It might be the least achievable but it is a dream nevertheless. I think having dreams is not only OK, it is healthy. If those two obstacles could be overcome, there IS a realistic chance that I would take this trip within the time I have left. Of course, my time frame is a long one. I am looking at years. Others might only be looking at months. Nevertheless, having such dreams and goals just might be the first step in the enjoyment of whatever time we still have on this earth.

31 Boi Bumbá em Manaus, Amazonas

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