Sunday, December 11, 2005

I Choose To Believe

This has been a wonderful day! It actually started last night. I stayed up until after 4am reading information about Christine Anderson.  I am so impressed! I understand her music, lyrics, and spirituality so much better now. I also caught up on my other forums. Leo has fixed the Cancer Forum. The night before, a group of individuals took over the Forum making it useless to us who need it. At the same time, I “discovered” (I already knew about it so it was more like re-discovery), KCRW out of Santa Monica College in California. It is a wonderful place to listen to new and less pop music… including a lot of music from Brazilian artists. When I got up at 11am, I felt like a new man! I felt so refreshed… the meaning of Life was rejuvenated. I certainly do not understand what happened.

This afternoon, I had my first significant IM conversation with A-J (an English Aimee fan) in several weeks. It was nice to talk to her.

The downer for today was hearing that Senator McCarthy died yesterday. His death, no, memories of his life, prompted me to write a significant entry for my “Politics as Usual” blog. It may just be a pip dream, but I feel like becoming involved in politics… specifically, starting a new party, the Liberal Democratic Party.

I have had my seizure medication or I might suspect that I am feeling the way I am because I did not take my meds and am therefore more alert. It is always possible that this is just one of my “manic” spells. Nevertheless, for now, I will choose to believe.

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