Saturday, December 10, 2005


Physical therapy is really helping me return to normal! I am doing more than what the therapist is instructing me to do. Because I am having so much trouble with dexterity, I am using this typing as therapy. I am a member of several forums. That keeps me busy most of the day and way into the night.

I have also purchased a children’s writing tablet and am re-learning how to write. Using a pencil is the most difficult and tiring thing I do! It drains me of so much energy.

I have become a music fan also. Aimee Mann has interested me since I first saw were on an episode of “The West Wing” this spring. She has a deep, probably mezzo, voice. Her music tends toward the rock classification, although she is classified as an alternative rock singer. Aimee has been around since the 80s although I do not remember her from back then. She writes her own songs and her lyrics are out of this world! She touches my soul! Aimee likes to look at the dark side of the human condition. Song like That’s How I Knew This Story Would Break My Heart do break my heart. Aimee’s songs have been very meaningful to me at this time in my life.

Just this week, I have discovered another awesome singer/songsmith: Christine Anderson. Christine is much younger than Aimee. Christine was a professional model until recently when something happened… I do not know what… that changed her life. I do not know how to classify her song… probably alternative rock also. She is an outstanding pianist. Her themes are deeply personal but less dark than Aimee’s. She also speaks more about God and spirituality. Christine is an extremely creative composer.

I am re-discovering my own spirituality through music!

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