Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Dark Cloud Covered The Sun

I am starting today's entry without first writing a title for this post. That is because I am totally unfocused today. It has been a lonely, quiet, slow, empty day. Oh, I had a lot to do and I did a lot of work yesterday but I just seems so mundane to me. OK, so the garage is a little cleaner, the basement does not have as many boxes, the Christmas decorations a partly up. The only job that I can say is totally done is the dishes have been washed, dried, and put away… not a small achievement for me. But the house is still a mess and time is running out.

I can feel my depression growing stronger within my chest. Like a dark cloud covering the sun, my days seem danker. A friend of mine on the cancer forums wrote an entry the other day in which she described her day as "walking through the quiet halls of the forum." That is exactly what the last few days have been like. Yes, there has been some activity but not like before.

The Sound Of Silence

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