Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Internet

Today was a particularly bad day in terms of my depression. I really do not know why. Maybe the dark, cold, rainy day had something to do with it. Or maybe it is just a case of cabin fever. Maybe it is just that time in my bipolar cycle. Maybe it as all the bills that still need to be paid. Maybe a combination of all of those. I do know that it helped me to chat and work on the Cancer Forum. As dark and sad as the forum work can be at times, it can also be such a source of inspiration, encouragement, and support.

I don't think most counselors give much credit to relationships established on the Internet. The dating sites give this whole issue a very bad name. How can you really find your soul mate on the Internet? Personally, I do not think you can. The future is still to be written about how successful and long term those relationships will be. However, the Internet is a powerful communications instrument, facilitating contacts between individuals from all around the world.

But the one big drawback of any form of written communication is that it is so very hard to communicate feelings. Even the greatest poets have a hard time communicating feelings if their readers do not understand the poetry. If I write that something tasted as sweet as honey but the reader hates honey it as almost the opposite effect than I intended. On top of that, most of us are not great poets or writers of any kind… I know that I certainly am not a good writer.

Anyhow, I guess I am just writing this entry in order to say that I try to keep my blog up to date.

One of Romania's Entries for Eurovision 2008

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