Thursday, April 23, 2009


11 Kermese

Dad would be 86 today if he has lived this long. As part of remembering him, I took flowers to his and Mom's graves today. During the drive out there, I was overwhelmed by a sense of belonging to this place. I also remembered how important those trips to the cemetery are to me. I often fantasize about living in Brazil and I do plan to move back to Paducah sometime this year. But if I move, my family (the Hawkins side) will have no more reason to come here. I do have a couple of elderly aunts (in laws) and four cousins how live here. But I rarely see them. Who will visit my father's and mother's graves? Who will place flowers?
Where will I be buried? I always thought next (or near) to my parents. Does that really matter? For some reason, it does. Not that I really believe that it makes a difference in the long run. I will be close to them wherever I am buried. However, it still matters.
Going to the cemetery just reminded me of one more very important thing I will lose when I move and it kind of depressed me.

1 comment:

  1. I hope and Pray that all is well with you. My father was diagnoised(sp) with GBM Nov.3,08.He's on the tremodar,had the surgery and radiation.
    He just had another MRI May 5,09. and they found that they didn't get all the tumor so they thought and it has grown. The doctors are waiting 3 months to do another MRI,though I don't know why they have to wait so long. I am in NY if that sums it up on why they are waiting so long.
    I have always been Daddy's little girl though I will be 36 in July.
    My dad will be 57 in September. We are just taking one day at a time.
    Spending as much time with him as we can. If I have learned one thing from this it would be don't take life for granted because it is to short.
    I have prayed more in these last few months than I think I have in my whole life. I am sorry for just rambling on like I have. May God continue to Bless you and your family. I also Pray that you and My Father can out live the odds with little to no pain.
    Kim in NY
