Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Thursdays - Daydreams

Thursdays are usually days of expectation. It is not the weekend, but it is close enough that final plans are usually in the works for the weekend. Tomorrow, I will be making my “last” preparations for my upcoming surgery. I have to make sure things around the house are in order so that Dad can take care of himself. I have to make sure bills are paid, letters are sent, money is deposited, cash is on hand, gasoline tanks are full…

Thursdays are so close to the weekend… but not yet there, so they are “dream days”… days I spend daydreaming about the weekend ahead. Dreaming about what I will do, how it will be, who will be with me.

I have been in a long “Thursday” spell in my life. I have spent too much time letting the fear and anticipation of the not knowing rule my life. Anticipating what is to come, sometimes I forget to enjoy the Now. Yes, sometimes it is fun, even helpful, to daydream about “the weekend.” However, when daydreams interfere with the Now, the weekend can be a nightmare.


  1. Thanks for the comment Jim, now that I know where you are I’ll be checking your site more often.

    I think the last paragraph is some good advice. You shouldn’t worry about what hasn’t happened yet for just that reason, it hasn’t happened. I like to focus on the unknown as a being of light, instead of the dark, as it is commonly revered. Positive thinking is a remarkable tool.

  2. Hello, Jim....It is Monday, November 14, 2005. I have been seriously envisioning you for over 24 hours...

    I am certain that things went comparatively well, and I still see your presence in human form....

    When you can, have someone send the forum a message please, as to how you are doing...

    Lizanne Thompson,
