Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Fifth Day of Christmas

5 Golden Rings – 5 books of the Pentateuch

Although 5 Golden Rings sound nice, the fifth day of Christmas (Saturday December 29) was not a good day. The house was so quiet and lonely. A great depression started and lasted for the next four days. For two of them, I did not get out of bed and just watched TV when I was not sleeping. I did not even want to go on to the site to do some administrative work. I found myself annoyed by some of the new members and their questions… questions that I had answered hundreds of times before… or at least it felt that way. So, I just stayed away.
My financial problems also concerned me. How am I going to pay off my credit card dept? I will not mention here how much I really owe but it is a lot. I am slowly paying it off, but I fear that I will die and not leave any "Gold Rings" for my children. I remember the story of King Midos who touched things and they turned to gold. It seems that everything I touch turns to crap. I know that is not true but sometimes I feel that way.
Theological Message: The 5 books of the Pentateuch (first five books of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures) are books that show the beginning of several important things that still are issues today. Even though I do not believe them to be literally true accounts, they are still significant messages for us to listen to. Just to list a few:
  1. How God created everything we know (even ourselves) from nothing.
  2. How God loves and blesses God's children
  3. How God's children often turn away from God
  4. How God is merciful and brings his children back
  5. How God has given guidance to his children over the years as an expression of God's mercy


  1. My Mother Is dying also. the way things seem, she will die before me. unless, of course, I go first.
    My father has had to take some time off from work to be her caregiver. Due to the loss of much needed income, My mother had no choice but to draw her insurance money from her life insurance policy.
    i guess what I'm saying is, My mom is not leaving money or "gold rings" behind (well she does have some nice rings), metaphorically speaking. But i will not mourn her lack of funds, I will mourn the loss of my Mother.
    I think your children will not worry about money. They will miss you.

    Ps i hope I wasnt one of those new members from the forum that was asking stupid questions. If so, bear with me, it's not everyday you experience watching a loved one suffer from this evil disease.

  2. Ang569, thank you for your comment. I am very sorry about your mother's condition. She sounds like she was one of the "gold rings" in your life.

    Ps: The only stupid question is the question not asked.
